The chapel at Saint-Marcellin
Les Gourniers, is a characteristic mountain hamlet, that marks the entrance to Chargès valley and to the Ecrins National Park. Next, a succession of cascades adds to the enchanting atmosphere of the path as well as the verdant flora of the valley. Chabrières peak reminds us of the reality of the mountains.
From the carpark at Gourniers, cross the hamlet to go up the valley along the torrent at Chargès. Follow the path until Saint-Marcellin chapel. Go back following the same itinerary.
- Departure : Les Gourniers, Réallon
- Towns crossed : Réallon
8 points of interest
- Vernacular heritage
Communal oven
This is located in the basement of the former school (now the Park Information Centre). It is regularly used on the occasion of local festivals and events. - Architecture
Hamlet of Les Gourniers
The old houses of the hamlet are modest in appearance. They are built from stone and have sheet metal roofs. They used to be roofed with slate extracted from the nearby quarries - Architecture
Chapel of the Nativity
It is difficult to be sure of the chapel's date of construction, but is existed in 1700. The bell was installed in 1870, but the bell tower was built in 1956. In 2013, a new larch shingle roof replaced the old corrugated iron roof, - Fauna
Black Woodpecker
This funny red bird with a red helmet and a long light coloured beak is the biggest woodpecker in the Alps. It is difficult to see because it is very solitary and distrustful. However, thanks to numerous clues that reveal its presence, it is possible to place its song and its very typical and sonorous. It taps endlessly to defend its territory and to find bark beetles or carpenter ants.
- Fauna
Long Tailed Tit
This Tit is easily recognizable thanks to its ball of feathers coloured white, black, brown and pink, extended by a very long tail. Not very selective, it adapts to all kinds of forest environments as long as they are dense. Although it is more common on the plain, it is also present in the mountains up to an altitude of 2 000 m in the Alps. Unlike other tits, the Long Tailed Tit nests in a spherical and flexible nest which grows little by little as the young birds develop.
- Fauna
Rock Bunting
The Rock Bunting is mainly a Southern mountain species. In the cold season, it migrates towards the valleys or the plains. In Spring, from the top of a bush, sings his song, agreeable but not very remarkable or loud. As long as you are discreet and attentive, it is possible to sometimes hear his little "tsip", high-pitched brief cries.
- Fauna
Discreetly hanging onto the cliff thanks to its long clawed feet, the Wallcreeper is on a search for insects and spiders that it’s long, narrow, curved beak enables it to extract. The unique representative of the Tichodroma family, the Wallcreeper dominates the vertical mountain wall where it finds its home and safety. Not a shy species, it is emblematic of the mountain region, the Wallcreeper sometimes moves closer to the villages in Winter.
- Fauna
Short Toed Snake Eagle
Spring has only just returned when you can hear cries as loud as the church bells. You have to lift your head up to admire two large birds flying together, alternating aerobatics and hovering in the sky like two silver coloured kites playing with the wind.. Their light stocky silhouette and their darker head enable you to identify the Short-toed Snake Eagle. It mainly feeds on reptiles (lizards and snakes) which it captures by the head, which it can then regurgitate in order to feed its young.
Altimetric profile
Sensitive areas
Golden eagle
- Impacted practices:
- Aerial, , Vertical
- Sensitivity periods:
- JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAug
- Contact:
- Parc National des Écrins
Julien Charron
Information desks
Information center "les Gourniers" (summer only)
Les Gourniers, 05160 Réallon
Les Gourniers
05160 Réallon
Tel :
Maison du Parc de l'Embrunais
Place de l’Église, 05380 Châteauroux-les-Alpes
Information, documentation, exhibition, screenings, products and books of the Park. Accessible to people with reduced mobility. Free admission. All animations of the Park are free unless otherwise stated.
Access and parking
From Savines-le-lac, just after the bridge, take the road to Réallon. Follow the signs marked "Parc national des Ecrins", until the hamlet at Gourniers at the bottom of the valley.
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If you have found an error on this page or if you have noticed any problems during your hike, please report them to us here:
Trail news
Mobilité, bivouac et sentiers au menu de la journée Destination
12/3/2024 - Depuis deux ans, le Parc national et les offices de tourisme des Écrins déploient un projet de destination écotouristique dans le massif. À l’occasion de la présentation officielle de la Destination parc national des Écrins, une journée d’échanges et de travail a été organisée le 29 novembre au Monêtier-les-Bains. Parmi les sujets abordés, les filières touristiques face au changement climatique dans le massif, la mobilité touristique, la gestion du bivouac et l’information sur l’état des sentiers et des accès au parc.
Automne et randonnée dans les Écrins
10/8/2024 - Avec une végétation colorée et une lumière douce, l’automne est une saison de choix en montagne et certains randonneurs sont tentés de poursuivre leurs sorties dans le massif jusqu’à l’arrivée de la neige. Attention cependant à bien vous renseigner en amont : comme chaque automne, les passerelles enjambant les torrents sont en cours de démontage et les intempéries peuvent endommager les sentiers.
Concours photo sur le GR54 : les gagnants !
10/7/2024 - Après quelques hésitations et pourparlers, le jury s’est décidé et a désigné les gagnants du concours photo organisé pour les 60 ans du GR54. Nous vous laissons découvrir ci-dessous les photos lauréates des deux catégories : « la plus belle photo » et « la photo insolite ». Merci à tous pour votre participation et bravo aux gagnants !
Le GR54 a fêté ses 60 ans
10/7/2024 - En 1964, une poignée de passionnés de montagne créaient le GR du Tour de l’Oisans et des Écrins, plus connu sous le nom de GR54. 60 ans plus tard, les acteurs participant à son entretien et sa gestion, ainsi que plusieurs hébergeurs sur le GR, se sont donnés rendez-vous le 27 septembre dernier pour fêter cet anniversaire à Besse-en-Oisans.
Des dégâts sur les sentiers suite à la tempête Aitor
9/30/2024 - Les reconnaissances menées vendredi 27 septembre 2024 ont révélé des dégâts sur les sentiers dans certaines vallées du massif des Écrins. Ils portent essentiellement sur des passerelles de franchissement de torrents. Les randonneurs sont appelés à la vigilance pour le week-end et au cours de la semaine du 30 septembre.