From Le Casset to Le Lauzet
Départ de la randonnée au Casset
Départ de la randonnée au Casset - Kinaphoto - Parc national des Ecrins
Le Monêtier-les-Bains

From Le Casset to Le Lauzet

History and architecture
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Along the River Guisane, between fields and forests, an age-old, often shaded path makes its way from village to village.

In the evening, the inhabitants of Le Monêtier, Le Casset and Le Lauzet love to run, cycle or walk along this trail, to the gentle purring sound of the River Guisane, which brings a little bit of freshness on hot summer days.


From the car park, go up the main village street, passing the church and the windmill, and continue along Rue du Lauzet. Then turn left after the Rebanchon gîte to cross the torrent. Turn right just after the bridge and then follow the yellow panels. The path goes around the foot of the Fontenil valley, near the village of the same name, before crossing Les Boussardes. From there, the rest of the trail is on the local tarmac road, leading you to the heart of the valley’s highest village. You follow the same route on the way back.

  • Departure : Village of Le Casset, Le Monêtier-les-Bains
  • Towns crossed : Le Monêtier-les-Bains

11 points of interest

  • Plan de l'église du Casset
    Plan de l'église du Casset - PNE

    Church of Saint-Claude

    Formerly a chapel, its existence recorded in 1500, this Romanesque building became a parish church in 1826. It is dedicated to Saint Claudius of Besançon. "In former times, the people of Le Casset used to go on a pilgrimage to Saint-Claude in the Jura." On the saint's feast day (6 June), a mass is celebrated. "Two days beforehand, the women of the village clean and decorate the church." Then, the people take an aperitif in the café opposite the church. Visits to the church are organised by the Tourist Office all summer.
  • Architecture

    Saint Claude’s church in Le Casset

    With its disproportionately high spire, the Casset church never goes unnoticed. Its four-sided Comtois steeple was modelled on the collegiate church in Briançon. The church is listed as a Historic Monument and is placed under the protection of Saint Claude. In its present condition, it dates from the 18th century. The previous building was constructed prior to the 16th century. Inside, the eye is immediately attracted by the choir ogives, creating an intimate atmosphere, particularly since the unusually large spire does not suggest an interior of such a small size. The choir was rebuilt in 1716-1717, probably after the previous chapel burnt down. Traces from this period can be seen on the keystone. The wrought-iron choir gate has the inscription "HM 1717", a date that can also be seen in the apse, on the wrought iron railing of the impost of the axial window, and on the baptismal font.

  • Cadran solaire au hameau du Casset
    Cadran solaire au hameau du Casset - Claire Broquet - PNE


    As you walk through the village of Lauzet, you will see recently made sundials made in traditional style. Easy to see from the main village streets, they adorn the beautifully restored facades of the old houses.
  • Dans le hameau du Casset
    Dans le hameau du Casset - PNE - Masclaux Pierre

    Le Casset

    At the entrance to the valley, Le Casset is a stone shell village surrounded by farming landscapes. Its name comes from the verb 'cassare' ('to break, to shatter' in late Latin), describing a place covered with stones. In fact there are many such villages in this mountain valley carved out by a vast glacier. Le Casset, on the left bank of the Guisane, is sheltered from avalanches beneath the watchful eye of the prestigious summits and glaciers that “move” in a different time scale from our own.

  • Le moineau soulcie
    Le moineau soulcie - PNE - Combrisson Damien

    Rock sparrow

    The rock sparrow is here at the north-western limit and highest altitude of its home territory and regularly nests in the area. The species is in decline nationally and is on the endangered ‘red’ list in Rhône-Alpes and is being studied in the PACA region. People sometimes pay little attention to house sparrows since they are so familiar, which is a pity. The rock sparrow is bigger and although its plumage is similar to a female house sparrow’s, its call sets it apart at once: pi-yip or pi-yui or even a chay sound that is similar to a brambling’s!

  • 1.Ventaux de porte décorés, 2.Arcs en plein-cintre, 3.Marteau en bronze forgé, 4.Imposte en éventail
    1.Ventaux de porte décorés, 2.Arcs en plein-cintre, 3.Marteau en bronze forgé, 4.Imposte en éventail - PNE

    Doors and courtyards

    As you stroll through the streets of Le Casset, some house doors will attract your notice, as they bring together most of the decorative elements of the facades. Made of larch wood, they have been moulded or sculpted with geometric or floral patterns and have a tympanum above them, often with a grating. Behind the door is the courtyard, the shared entrance for people and animals. The way people lived and organised their homes resulted in this single entrance, an area giving access both to the stable and to the living quarters. Between the world inside and outside, the courtyard provided a passageway, insulation, but also storage space.
  • Le murin à moustaches
    Le murin à moustaches - PNE - Corail Marc

    Whiskered bat

    The whiskered bat is a dark-faced bat. It is quite common in certain mountain regions and is one of the most frequent species after it cousin the common pipistrelle. It likes trees, be they on the banks of a river or in the high altitude forests, but it is also possible to catch sight of them in gardens and villages such as the hamlet of Casset. This small mammal lives on flying insects and thus helps in controlling their numbers. Like all mammals, the female feeds her sole offspring with her milk.  
  • Le moineau soulcie
    Le moineau soulcie - PNE - Combrisson Damien

    Lover of old stones

    The rock sparrow is a sedentary bird. It generally settles in well-exposed, agricultural areas where there are lots of stones, stone terraces, ruins, piles of stones, old buildings. This southern sparrow can be found up to an altitude of 2000 m provided there is an open landscape and many mineral elements. It nests in the hole of a rock, in a wall and sometimes under the roof of a house. It will then mingle with the house sparrow. A sociable bird, it lives in small, dispersed colonies.
  • 1.Sorties d'eau, 2.Le rez-de-chaussée abrite les trois jeux de meules
    1.Sorties d'eau, 2.Le rez-de-chaussée abrite les trois jeux de meules - PNE

    Mill of Le Casset

    The almost complete building "over" the Guisane is the former mill of Le Casset. Its three sets of millstones were in operation until the early 1950s. There, they produced farine belle (fine wheat flour) for pastry making, a coarser flour for sweet bread (wheat and rye) and barley Gruau for soup. The bran and barley were fed to the cows, hens and pigs. Since wheat is a less robust plant and doesn't grow well at high altitudes, the inhabitants of the valley had to buy it in.
  • Mélezin
    Mélezin - Hélène Quellier - PNE


    On the right-hand bank of the Guisane, larch trees are everywhere. At the bottom of the slope, the forest is privately owned. The municipally-owned section of the forest starts a little further uphill. Both the private owners and the municipality fell a little of this hard and rot-proof wood, which has long been a valuable and versatile resource for local people.
  • Le hameau du Lauzet
    Le hameau du Lauzet - © Parc national des Ecrins - Pascal Saulay
    Vernacular heritage

    Le Lauzet

    As you descend from the Col du Lautaret, Le Lauzet is the first hamlet of the municipality of Monêtier-les-Bains, lying at an altitude of 1,660 metres. It has retained its mountain character with more traditional houses than those in some other hamlets, its distance from the ski resort being a factor in this. It is built on the left-hand bank of the Guisane, sheltered from the avalanches crashing down from the Combeynot massif. Before the annexation of Savoie by France in 1860, the hamlet was also a customs post for travellers passing through the Col du Galibier, as evidenced by the seventeenth century barracks, now converted into a gîte.


Altimetric profile

Sensitive areas

Along your trek, you will go through sensitive areas related to the presence of a specific species or environment. In these areas, an appropriate behaviour allows to contribute to their preservation. For detailed information, specific forms are accessible for each area.

Golden eagle

Impacted practices:
Aerial, , Vertical
Sensitivity periods:
Parc National des Écrins
Julien Charron


Please keep to the path and don’t tread on the vegetation in the meadows. NB: you can opt for the route going back along the old tarmac road.

Herd protection dogs

In mountain pastures, protection dogs are there to protect the herds from predators (wolves, etc.).

When I hike I adapt my behavior by going around the herd and pausing for the dog to identify me.

Find out more about the actions to adopt with the article "Protection dogs: a context and actions to adopt".
Tell us about your meeting by answering this survey.

Information desks

Information center "le Casset" (summer only)

Le Casset, 05220 Le Monêtier-les-bains 92 24 53 27

At the entrance of the hamlet of "le Casset" and near the core zone of the Park, a stop before or after your walk... Projections, documentation, books of the Park. Free admission. All animations of the Park are free unless otherwise stated.

Find out more

Maison du Parc du Briançonnais

Place Médecin-Général Blanchard, 05100 Briançon 92 21 08 49

Located at the foot of the medieval town fortified by Vauban, declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 2008, the Maison du Parc Briançon is a welcoming place of information exchange. Three floors of exhibition to discover : the natural and cultural heritage, the museum of the history of skiing in Briançon. Documentation, maps, guidebooks, books and products of the Park. Guided tours for groups by reservation. Free admission.

Find out more


Le Casset bus stop on the Briançon - Le Monêtier-les-Bains line (

Access and parking

From the N91, follow the D300 for 1 km to the village of Le Casset.

Parking :

At the entrace to Le Casset


Accessibility level
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Parc national des Ecrins

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