THEMED PATH: The Serre-Duc Canal
Vue sur la vallée de la Durance
Vue sur la vallée de la Durance - Office de tourisme Pays des Écrins
La Roche-de-Rame

THEMED PATH: The Serre-Duc Canal

History and architecture
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A combination of water and tradition in the hamlet of Le Bathéoud...

Points of interest along the route:

Roam the lanes of Le Bathéoud to discover life in bygone times!

Discover the path of the Serre-Duc canal, the old irrigation canals; all features that highlight the importance of water management in the hot, sunny municipality of La Roche-de-Rame! 


Start the walk by heading towards the bridge over the Bouchouse mountain stream. Facing away from the bridge, take the road opposite. 

  1. Turn right, and skirt around the right-hand side of the house. 
  2. Head right and, after a short rise, continue until you come to the irrigation canals. 
  3. Turn left to continue the walk. 
  4. You reach the hamlet of Le Bathéoud by turning left. 
  5. At the intersection with the path, turn left. Then, at the intersection with the road, continue left.
  6. Skirt around the right-hand side of the houses and then back to the starting point of the trail. 
  • Departure : Le Bathéoud, La Roche-de-Rame
  • Arrival : Le Bathéoud, La Roche-de-Rame
  • Towns crossed : La Roche-de-Rame

6 points of interest

  • Épicerie - Ancienne publicité du savon Fer à Cheval
    Épicerie - Ancienne publicité du savon Fer à Cheval - juliette.primpier

    The former local grocery

    There was once a grocery in the traditional hamlet of Le Bathéoud, specifically in the house standing here. Valued by the inhabitants of this small hamlet, it facilitated their everyday lives at a time when means of transport were not as well-developed as they are today. This small shop was a meeting place for local people when running their errands, a real community hub. 

  • Le four banal de Barthéoud du Haut
    Le four banal de Barthéoud du Haut - Office de tourisme Pays des Écrins
    Vernacular heritage

    The communal oven of Le Bathéoud du Haut

    Today, buying a loaf of bread is a commonplace, everyday occurrence. But, right up to the end of the Second World War, the people of the hamlet of Le Bathéoud made their own loaves in the communal oven. Bread baking day was a special day because it did not happen very often. Bread had to last for several months… 

  • Canaux
    Canaux - Office de tourisme Pays des Écrins

    The irrigation canals

    On the mountainside, you may come across old irrigation canals, some of which are still used today by the inhabitants of the hamlet for their gardens and fields. The particular climate on this slope makes water management necessary if crops are to survive. 

  • Le Canal de Serre-Duc
    Le Canal de Serre-Duc - Office de tourisme Pays des Écrins

    The Serre-Duc canal

    The district of Serre-Duc lies between Le Bathéoud and the rocky slopes. The Serre-Duc irrigation canal allowed the circulation of water. It is now abandoned but its course can still be made out among the pine trees and lavender. Its water intake was situated upstream of the Coumbal de Satan and the canal was used to irrigate the entire district. 

  • Mouflon mâle
    Mouflon mâle - Cyril Coursier - Parc national des Écrins

    The mouflon

    A small population of mouflons is established here. The Mediterranean mouflon, produced from cross-breeding between Corsican mouflons and other species of mouflon or modern sheep, was introduced several decades ago by hunting associations. It is not well-adapted for snow, and so it keeps to the south-facing slopes where the snow melts quickly. The male has long, curved horns. The females sometimes have short, small horns, if they have any at all.
  • Vue sur la vallée de la Durance
    Vue sur la vallée de la Durance - Office de tourisme Pays des Écrins

    View over the Durance valley

    Protected from Atlantic influences by the Massif du Pelvoux, the high Durance valley has a very dry climate with wide seasonal temperature fluctuations. It has grasslands very similar to the steppes of Central Europe which are rare in France. It is part of the Natura 2000 “Steppique durancien et queyrassien” (Durance and Queras valley steppes) site.


Altimetric profile


Information panels are installed all along the path. 

The app “Les écrins sentiers thématiques” provides information about the trail. 

Check weather conditions before setting off.

Rescue services contact details: Secours Montagne (Mountain Rescue): +33 (0)4 92 22 22 22 or 112 

Show consideration for the work of farmers, livestock keepers and owners

Close all gates behind you

Take your litter home

Do not take shortcuts across pastureland

Information desks

Vallouise Park house

, 05290 Vallouise 92 23 58 08

Information, documentation, models, exhibitions, screenings, product sales and works of the Park. Guided tours for school, reservation required. The new Park House opened in Vallouise since June 1, and offers visitors an interactive permanent exhibition inviting to explore the area and its heritage. A temporary exhibition space will allow a renewed offer. Finally, the device is completed by an audiovisual room to organize screenings and conferences Free admission. All animations of the Park are free unless otherwise stated.

Find out more

23 Avenue de la République, 05120 L'Argentière-La Bessée 92 23 03 11


Public transport >>

Consider car-sharing >>

For more information, ask at the Tourist Information Office nearest to the trail starting point. 

Access and parking

6.7 km from L'Argentière-La Bessée, take the N94.

Parking :

Le Bathéoud car park, La Roche-de-Rame

More information


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