Maou Riou
Passage dans un prés avec vue  sur le Pic de Chabrières
Passage dans un prés avec vue sur le Pic de Chabrières - amelie.vallier

Maou Riou

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This flower-filled family excursion introduces you to a variety of farming features from a bygone time.
Setting out from the village of Réallon, lying in a mid-mountain area, roam the pastured mountainsides. This itinerary will plunge you into a pastoral environment, taking you though large agricultural terraces on a par with the most beautiful landscapes in Serre-Ponçon. As you round a bend, you will come across the mountain stream of Maou Riou before heading back in the extensive meadows.


  1. From the car park, cross the bridge and at the next crossroads take the road to the left. Go past the houses and on to the end of the road.
  2. At the very end, take the path opposite. After passing the Maou Riou mountain stream, head down into the woods following the stream.
  3. Carry on downhill and then at the next intersection, go right onto the GR path.
  4. When you come to the road, turn right. When you reach the car park in « Charrière de la pisse », take the road on the right towards the church of St-Pélade. This will bring you back to the car park in La Coste.
  • Departure : Réallon
  • Arrival : Réallon
  • Towns crossed : Réallon

4 points of interest

  • Thym serpolet en fleur
    Thym serpolet en fleur - Amélie Vallier

    Breckland Thyme

    A member of the Thyme family, Serpolet has been known for its medicinal properties since ancient times. It is a perennial plant with stems that spread over the ground. The flowers are grouped into ears and can be seen from June to October. It thrives in dry environments and can be found at altitudes of up to 2,400m. It is an ideal plant for making an herbal tea to soothe coughs and clear bronchial tubes.
  • Clapier dans les champs de Réallon
    Clapier dans les champs de Réallon - Amélie Vallier
    Vernacular heritage


    "Clapier" is the term used in the southern Alps to describe a pile of stones. They are evidence of former farming activities. The stones were once removed to clear the fields. This made it easier to work the soil and saved space. Back then, everything was done by hand.
  • Abeille domestique
    Abeille domestique - Amélie Vallier

    The honey bee

    The honey bee is also known as the honey fly. It lives in colonies forming complex social castes. There is a queen and workers who collect pollen with long hairs on the bottom of their hind legs, forming a sort of pollen "basket". This work allows the honey bee to produce the honey on which it feeds. Vital for pollinating plants, bees can visit up to 250 flowers in an hour.
  • Murs de soutènement
    Murs de soutènement - Amélie Vallier

    Retaining walls

    The retaining walls are made of dry stone. They are called restanques in Provence. In steep areas, they can be used to create farmed terraces by retaining the soil. At the time, their construction enabled generations of farmers to make a living from their land, which became fertile and arable. Today, many researchers and craftsmen are trying to bring back this age-old technique.


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Tourist office Réallon Station

Pra Prunier, 05160 Réallon

Tourist offices in the ski resort

July and August : Monday to Friday : 9.00 -13.00 and Saturday 13.00 - 17.00
From mid-December to March : Monday to Sunday :9.00 - 12.30 & 14.00 - 17.00

Find out more

Tourist office Embrun

Place Général Dosse - BP 49, 05202 Embrun

October to march : Monday to Saturday, 9.00 - 12.30 & 13.30 - 17.00. 
April, may, june & september : Monday to Saturday, 9.00 - 12.30 & 14.30 - 18.00
July and August : Monday to Saturday, 9.00 - 19.00. Sundays, 10.00 - 12.30 & 16.00 - 19.00

On French national holidays (except 14th of July and 15th of August) : 9am to 1pm. Closed on the 1st of January, 1st of May, 25th December and 11th November
Closed on Thursdays outside French holidays’ periods

Find out more


Shuttle (requires advance booking) from the train station in Chorges to the Réallon ski resort (book ahead 36 hours in advance with 05 Voyageurs or on +33 (0)4 92 50 25 05).

Access and parking

From Savines-le-Lac, just after the bridge take the road to Réallon. Pass through the hamlet of Les Rousses and continue to follow signs for Réallon. Once in the village, turn right just after the wooden bridge and drive uphill for 200 metres to park in the La Coste car park.

Parking :

La Coste car park


Emergency number :

More information


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Trail news

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